Scott's Thoughts Pamphlet!

Make a Simple API Endpoint with Vercel Serverless Functions

Create a simple Node API on Vercel Serverless functions in under 20 minutes. But first some preamble!

A while back (3 years ago now!) I made a Positivity API, it was a really simple array of positive quotes that’s used in the #100DaysOfCode twitter bot which is still in use today! I contributed a lot to that bot back in the day!

This time around I’ve made some random words that are going to be used to make blog a name!


If you prefer to watch how this is done then skip all the way to the end for a video detailing the process. 🚀

Why are you doing this?

There are some people that do not like the term blog, and I too feel the same way with regards to it being like a publishing house, this is my space where I write stuff for future me. If it helps anyone else then that’s a win too!

I’m currently in the middle of rebuilding this site and the question came up, what do I call it? A digital garden? I’m all for this movement but there are also a lot more people that have no idea what the term is.

I was discussing it with a couple of friends (Paul and Rich) and it’s just a name, so I came up with the idea of generating some random words together to make what to call the blog/site/thought pamphlet whatever!

In the beginning it was a simple site

First up, this was a collection of words I got from Googling another word for blog, put them all into several arrays of adjectives, verbs and nouns then randomly create a phrase from that. Initially this was all in a .js file on a simple project I put together quickly to have a little fun with. It’s now going to be a submission for the Gatsby silly site challenge.

I decided that I wanted to have this in my personal site as well so when someone navigates to the posts they’ll be presented with a random response from the script saying “hey welcome to my jot unsightly helpless record” or something to that effect!

Becuse I wanted to use the same thing in two projects I made a third one! 😂 An endpoint to go get that from rather than moving around the script from project to project.

It’s the simple script from that project that is now an endpoint on Vercel. Hitting the URL will give you a response like this:

2 "name": "script fierce magnificent datebook",
3 "slug": "script-fierce-magnificent-datebook"

Set up

Install Vercel as a global dependency with your package manager of choice if you don’t already have it installed:

1yarn global add vercel
2# or use vc login
3vercel login

Once you select login you will be sent an email to authenticate then you’re ready to go!

Create project

I’m going to recreate the random password generator I use in my Characters from Password project I did a while back, it has the same list of adjectives, verbs and nouns I used for the Random Blog Name project.

1mkdir random-password-generator
2cd random-passord-generator
3yarn init -y

Add Vercel as a dev dependency, I’ll be using this to run the Vercel dev server:

1yarn add -D vercel

Add the Vercel scripts to the package.json scripts for the project!

1"scripts": {
2 "start": "vercel dev",
3 "deploy": "vercel deploy --prod"

Now to create the endpoint this goes into the api folder on the project which doesn’t exist yet, so, I’ll make that, then create an index.ts file in there:

1mkdir api
2touch -p api/index.ts

In the api/index.ts file add in the classic “hello world”!

1import { NowRequest, NowResponse } from '@vercel/node'
3export default (req: NowRequest, res: NowResponse) => {
4 return res.json({ message: 'Hello World' })

Ready to go now, I’ll run it locally with:

1yarn start

This will walk me through a first time setup with Vercel and I’ll hit enter to accept all the default CLI options.

Now I go to localhost:3000/api in my browser and see:

1{ "message": "Hello World" }

Cool, cool, cool! Now I’ll jack the helper.js file from my Characters from Password project and add it to a src/random-password.ts file and folder, neither of which exist right now so create those:

1# assuming your in the project directory
2mkdir src
3touch src/random-password.ts

Paste in the contents and add the type of arr as and array of strings arr: string[], I’ve removed the rest of the words for brevity here:

1export function random(arr: string[]) {
2 return arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)]
5export function getFunPassword() {
6 const adjectives = [
7 'adorable',
8 // rest
9 ]
11 const verbs = [
12 'correct',
13 // rest
14 ]
16 const nouns = [
17 'women',
18 // rest
19 ]
21 return `${random(verbs)} ${random(adjectives)} ${random(
22 adjectives
23 )} ${random(nouns)}`

Then import the function into the api/index.ts file and have the response json be the getFunPassword() function.

1import { NowRequest, NowResponse } from '@vercel/node'
2import { getFunPassword } from '../src/random-password'
4export default (_req: NowRequest, res: NowResponse) => {
5 return res.json({ password: getFunPassword() })

Test it locally

The yarn start script should still be running so I can check the response now on localhost:3000/api, looks a bit like this:

1{ "password": "know obnoxious bewildered people" }

Super! Time to deploy it!

Deploy to Vercel

Righty ho! Time to deploy to Vercel! The script is already in the project when I defined the start and deploy scripts:

1yarn deploy

This will publish the current version of the code to Vercel, if you want more control over how you publish to vercel check out the CLI documentation, it’s a really powerful tool.

Ok I now have an endpoint for a random password, going to will give a response like this:

1{ "password": "try magnificent mysterious cacti" }

Time to use it!

Use it in another project

Time to use it in another project, for brevity I’ve added this to an example CodeSandbox it’s a example of getting data from an endpoint and displaying it in a project.

I’m using axios to get the data, and storing the returned result in some state:

1export default function Home() {
2 const [blogNameObj, blogNameObjSet] = useState({
3 name: `Your password`,
4 })
5 const getBlogName = async () => {
6 await axios
7 .get(``)
8 .then(res => {
9 blogNameObjSet(
10 })
11 .catch(err => {
12 console.error(err)
13 })
14 }
16 return (
17 <div>
18 <h1>Generate Pasword</h1>
19 <h2>{blogNameObj.password}</h2>
20 <button
21 onClick={() => {
22 blogNameObjSet(getBlogName())
23 }}
24 >
25 Get Name
26 </button>
27 </div>
28 )

But it doesn’t return anything, well apart from a console error!

1Error: Network Error
2 at createError (https://...)
4 at XMLHttpRequest.handleError (https://...)

So that’s not a terribly helpful error message but I do know that it’s a CORS error, so that needs to be enabled before I go any further!

Enable CORS

There’s a great knowledge base resource on on how to enable CORS! For my use case I’ve set the headers:

1res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', `true`)
2res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')

Now that’s added I’ll need to edploy it again with the yarn deploy script.

Now going back to the CodeSandbox example it returns the API response! Done!!

Video detailing the process

As with most of my posts now I’ve added a video detailing the process…

Code examples

There’s example code on GitHub for the serverless function and an example CodeSandbox with the implementation.

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Scott Spence

Built with Gatsby · Hosted on Vercel · 2021