Scott's Thoughts Pamphlet!


I have spoken at several meetups now and would be keen to do more, if you are having a meetup and want speakers get in touch.

Recent talks and appearances

Here’s the list of talks, podcasts and livestreams I have done recently.

MMT Tech Meet-up - 2021 Feb

I Have a Hammer

I was invited to talk about MDX at the MMT Gatsby meetup.

Slides here:

Scale by the Bay - 2020 November 13th

Spreading the Jamstack

I was invited to talk about the jamstack at Scale by the Bay.

Slides here:

Whiskey Wednesday - 2020 October 7th

Episode #10 - Mentioning

Finding a mentor when starting out as a beginner (and also after) is important and not always an easy task. In this episode, we will talk about everything you need to know when looking for a mentor, or becoming a mentor.

📺 Watch it on Youtube

Mintbean - Markdown Showdown, 2020 September 28th

Markdown Showdown: all the things I know about markdown a 1-hour Markdown primer, which will lead into using Markdown with a Gatsby blog with MDX.

Whiskey Wednesday - 2020 September 23rd

Episode #9 - a11y (Accessibility)

Accessibility is an important part of every website and every developer should try implementing at least the most important accessibility features.

We will talk about what accessibility actually is, why it is important, and how to implement it.

📺 Watch it on Youtube

Whiskey Wednesday - 2020 September 9th

Episode #8 - Content Creation

Whether it’s blog posts, video courses, live streams, or books - content creation is BIG, also for developers.

We’ll get some first-hand expert insight into these topics 💪

📺 Watch it on Youtube

Spreading the Jamstack

NottsJS Meetup - 2020 September 8th

I was invited to talk at the NottsJS meetup to talk about the Jamstack.

Migrating Gatsby from Markdown to MDX

Brad Garropy (Live Stream) - 2020 September 8th

I joined Brad to talk him through setting up MDX Embed and ironing out some of the issues he was having after transitioning his site over to MDX from Markdown Remark.

Whiskey Wednesday - 2020 August 26th

Episode #7 - Mental Wellbeing As A Developer

Becoming and being a developer is not an easy task. Many challenges await us in the daily battle. It’s important to keep good mental wellbeing. We will talk about common problems among developers.

📺 Watch it on Youtube

Whiskey Wednesday - 2020 August 12th

Episode #6 - Developer fitness

It’s not always easy to stay healthy as a developer. Especially because you are sitting in front of a desk for at least 8 hours a day. With our guests who are experts in fitness, we will find out what you can do to become a healthier developer.

📺 Watch it on Youtube

Whiskey Wednesday - 2020 July 29th

Episode #5 - Down the CSS rabbit hole

In this episode, we will discuss CSS. There are entirely different worlds of CSS out there. One is positioning elements and making a pretty button. But there is this other world. The one where complete art pieces are done with just a single div element (or less). We talk about all of it.

📺 Watch it on Youtube

Whiskey Wednesday - 2020 July 15th

Episode 4: How To Use Twitter For Yourself As A Developer

In this episode, we talk about how to get the most out of Twitter as a developer and how to grow your account.

📺 Watch it on Youtube

Whiskey Wednesday - 2020 July 1st

Episode 3: Freelancing As A Web Developer

In this episode, we have some freelancing experts on the show to tell us how to get started, what to look out for, and how to enjoy the whole process of doing freelance work.

📺 Watch it on Youtube

Whiskey Wednesday - 2020 June 25th

Episode 2: Learning and Unlearning How To Code

In this episode, we have some fantastic guests with different coding backgrounds that will talk with us about how to learn (and unlearn) how to code 💻📚

📺 Watch it on Youtube

The Front End podcast

A podcast that explores the in’s and out’s of life as a developer.

For the final episode in season one I talk to Rob Kendal and share my path into development from VBA analyst to web developer.

Unsurprisingly I’m talking about the JAMstack and Gatsby JS.

Gatsby Recipes and MDX with James Q Quick (Live Stream) - 2020 June 15th

I joined James Q Quick to talk about Gatsby Recipes and MDX. We talk through what Recipes are, how useful they can be, and how to use them. We also spend a significant amount of time talking about the power of using MDX, which allows you to embed React components right inside of your Markdown.

Whiskey Wednesday - 2020 June 10th

Episode 1: Coding Motivation

In this episode, we talk with Danny Thompson and Eddy Vinck about coding motivation and whether or not you need a college degree to get a job in tech.

📺 Watch it on Youtube

JS Roundabout - 2020 March

  • Slides
  • Code

MMT Tech Meet-up - 2020 Jan

API Days London - 2019 Nov

I was asked by Jesse Martin from GraphCMS if I would like to do a talk at API Days London so I jumped at the chance!

api days london 2019

Internal Engineering talk - 2019 Sep

I was asked to brief the Karmarama and Fjord engineering teams on what the Jamstack is and the advantages of using it.

Scott Spence

Built with Gatsby · Hosted on Vercel · 2021