Scott's Thoughts Pamphlet!

Making Presentations with MDX

Ever since I first saw Sara Vieira’s slides form Vue London 2018 I’ve really liked the idea of writing a presentation in MDX.

Sara used something called MDX Deck and it’s pretty dope! You write your slides in Markdown and sprinkle in other nice bits around what you’re saying in the slide, you know like most presentations. I made a couple of presentations using MDX Deck.

In it’s simplest form this is what a presentation can look like in Markdown using MDX, the --- indicates the separator for the slides.

1# slide 1
3This is the first slide
7## Slide 2
9This is the second slide

I’ve tried several other solutions along the way, here they are listed:

The first two are the same really with using Gatsby shadowing (theme) for MDX Deck in Gatsby Theme MDX Deck.

For a really good example of using MDX Deck as a theme inside of a Gatsby project check out Sam Larsen-Disney’s site, and the presentations pages inside there. Each presentation is it’s own MDX Deck slide deck. 🤯

The OG!

MDX Deck is the OG of these and was a bit rough around the edges to begin with (it’s now at v4). I personally never had any joy using anything above v1 when it came to using images in your presentations, which my presentations relied on a lot.

I used MDX Deck happily for a couple of presentations but it always irked me that certain support was missing causing a lot of people to wonder if it was still supported.

We get it, Jackson’s a busy guy and OSS is, well OSS. So after I was lined up to do talk about Spreading the jamstack at Scale By the Bay I opted for something with a touch more features to use, this is when I discovered Next MDX Deck when Monica Powell did a talk at MDX conf.

Next MDX Deck

Next MDX Deck had the MDXProvider exposed which means that I could fold in components at a high level rather than have to import them on the slide level.

This means that I can use MDX Embed and throw in Tweets, CodePens and YouTube videos to my hearts content.

In the process of me doing the slides I need to do for Tuesday I found I’m not the only one that procrastinates a touch when it comes to making slides for a presentation.

No doubt Sarah’s presentation is going to be 🔥

So whilst I was looking at doing my slides for the MMT Tech Meetup I decided not to go with Next MDX Deck and went about trying to find an alternitive. See other solutions mentioned earlier on. 👍


There are a few options I need in the respect of making a slides presentation.

These are all my own preferences and by no way should define how you select a deck for yourself. These are deal-breakers for me and my use-cases however:

  • Speaker mode, the ability to present on one screen and have your notes on another.
  • The option to add images in any format, .SVG, .png, the rest.
  • Web publishing, people after the presentation can view them retrospectively.
  • Ability to add custom components and images, a nice sprinkling of Tweets and embeds are the life blood of what can otherwise be quite a dry presentation. 😂
  • Slide customisation, individual slide colours, effects, etc.


First alternitive I found was FUSUMA and it wasn’t until I got into the very important part of customisation of the slides that I found the Yaml file used to configure the theme and code blocks didn’t work on my setup (WSL behbeh).

Another main feature I look for is the ability to publish the slides on a CDN somewhere so I can point people to the slides after the presentation. This was another sticking point which I couldn’t get past so I carried on looking.

I’m sure FUSUMA is a great tool for presentations but didn’t fit with my use-case.


MDXP is not built in Gatsby or NextJS, it’s a plain old React app with an exposed webpack config file and all the requisite plugins for images and Markdown + MDX.

MDXP comes with a set core of components for general use, <Note> is great for presenter notes and there’s a really handy one in <Step> that allows you to, ahem ‘step’ through certain items on one slide.

How it works

With MDXP there’s still the top level index file which is used to wrap the rest of the application, this is where the components for the slides can be ‘folded’ in.

Here’s an example of what that could look like:

1/** @jsx jsx */
2import * as components from '@mdxp/components'
3import Deck, { Zoom } from '@mdxp/core'
4import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
5import { jsx } from 'theme-ui'
6import deckComponents from './deck-components'
7import MDXPresentation from './presentation.mdx'
8import theme from './theme/theme'
10const Index = () => {
11 return (
12 <Zoom
13 maxWidth={1000}
14 width={1000}
15 aspectRatio={16 / 9}
16 sx={{ maxWidth: '100vw', maxHeight: '100vh' }}
17 >
18 <Deck
19 components={{ ...components, ...deckComponents }}
20 theme={theme}
21 >
22 <MDXPresentation />
23 </Deck>
24 </Zoom>
25 )
28ReactDOM.render(<Index />, document.getElementById('root'))

The deckComponents are what I provide, if I wanted to only use the provided MDXP components I could stick with just those.

The deck-components file is where I can group all the components I want to use in the presentation, here I’m bringing in a custom CodeHighlight component that I can wrap code blocks in for the presentation:

1import CodeHighlight from './components/code'
2import { Tweet, CodePen, YouTube } from 'mdx-embed'
4export default {
5 CodeHighlight,
6 Tweet,
7 CodePen,
8 YouTube,

The CodeHighlight component can then be used in the slides, just bear in mind that the component needs to wrap everything in that slide. So if I wanted notes with the MDXP <Note> component they could need to be contained by <CodeHighlight>.

I like the flexability of this because it means that the slides can have an individual look and feel which is something that I’ve found lacking in the alternitives.


So, for now, I’m all in with MDXP and I’ll be looking to use it more in the future.

If you’re interested then take a look at the example MDXP slides for an idea of what it’s capable of doing.

There’s also the documentation which does a great job of explaining all the available components and concepts.

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Scott Spence

Built with Gatsby · Hosted on Vercel · 2021