Scott's Thoughts Pamphlet!

Growth over the Past Year

I was tagged into a conversation over on James Q Quick’s Discord about growth over the last year and it wasn’t until I sat down to write about it that I realised I’ve done quite a bit over the last 12 months now.

Most of my content is written and supplemented with video content if needed.

I’ve made a load of cool new friends starting on the live stream tip with you James Q Quick looking at Gatsby recipes in June 2020, I also helped out with Brad Garropy on his stream to migrate to MDX on his site.

In June I started co-hosting Whiskey Wednesday with Marc Backes and met with and spoke to a load of cool people on there.

I documented my streaming setup so others could get started themselves.

I did a load of work with Windows Subsystem for Linux, documented a load of stuff relating to that:

I built my first PC as well, as my Surface clone couldn’t hack it anymore.

Made posts on ZSH and how I switched from Fish to ZSH which is now my default shell, got a retweet from Robby Russel for that!

I started a newsletter, which by the way I should have done years ago! and the Wes Bos React Advanced Courses giveaway really helped with that!

I’d say growth wise if you’re looking purely at numbers it’s been pretty steady for me and I’m more about the long tail when it comes to that sort of thing.

I’ve become a bit obsessive about note taking and made the front page of hacker news talking about Foam, I now use Dendron for my note taking.

I still have really popular posts from the start of 2020 still making numbers as well making a table of contents in Gatsby, getting started with Chakra and globally styling the Gatsby default stater with styled-components.

Oh, spoken at a couple of conferences and meetups.

I did a workshop on 2021-03-30 at a conference for Gatsby and MDX.

Oh and starting NatterMob with covid friends too:

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Scott Spence

Built with Gatsby · Hosted on Vercel · 2021